Nathan Foster
Nathan Foster has lived in the area for 32 years. He attended the University of Baltimore where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Management. After a few years in the electrical field, Nathan decided to pursue a business of his own. He successfully established Foster Enterprises Inc. in 2003.
Today, Foster Enterprises Inc. employs a skilled team that provides quality electrical services to residential and commercial construction along with creating innovative automated solutions.
Meet the Team
Foster Enterprises proudly employs skillful and knowledgeable technicians. His team of lead electricians bring an average of over 14 years of experience to every job.

Bob Hughes:
Residential Manager
Bob grew up in Anne Arundel County and has lived here all his life and has worked with Foster Enterprises since 2005. Bobby enjoys working with new people and especially loves using his electrical skills and experience to create practical solutions to customer needs. He likes the versatility of the job—"It brings a wide variety of challenges and it is satisfying to help take care of people's needs."

Andy Gilt:
Commercial Manager
Andy has worked for Foster Enterprises since he graduated high school in 2003. Andy realized the value of his skills early on and continued to develop them. He loves applying his years of experience to every challenge and seeing each job through to completion.
We're Hiring
Foster Enterprises is interested in hearing from you if you are looking for a career in the electrical trade.
Whether you have years of experience as an electrician or are just starting out, our ideal candidate has a great attitude, a strong work ethic, and a desire to learn.
If you're hard-working and dependable, contact us below and if we have an open position we will respond with a request for your resume.
Employment Application
Our hours are 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday - Friday. We will answer your message as soon as we can.